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by Girish Rawat

由吉里什·拉瓦特(Girish Rawat)

为什么大多数重新设计都会失败 (Why most redesigns fail)

关于大牌重新设计的案例研究失败,您可以从中学习到什么 (A case study on big name redesign fails and what you can learn from them)

A product manager walks into a design department and orders a website redesign. “Our website looks so old! All our competitors have flashier websites. Let’s redesign it. Buttons with colorful shadows are the future!”

产品经理走进设计部门并命令网站重新设计。 “我们的网站看起来太旧了! 我们所有的竞争对手都拥有更富特​​色的网站。 让我们重新设计它。 色彩鲜艳的纽扣是未来!”

Designer: “Ok, let’s start by conducting a usability test — ”PM: “You have 3 weeks and I want all colors to be changed to hot pink, edgy blue or millennial orange.”


This is how you murder your conversion rate. While the above scenario might be a wild exaggeration, the number of companies radically redesigning their brand every year is certainly not. Just look at Facebook, which seems like a new website almost every time I open it. consisting of 3k members who track every minute detail the company changes.

这就是您谋杀转化率的方式。 尽管上述情况可能是夸大其词,但每年进行彻底重新设计其品牌的公司的数量肯定不是这样。 只要看看Facebook,几乎每次我打开它时,它就好像是一个新网站。 由3k成员组成他们跟踪公司变化的每分钟细节。

Any user facing product must inevitably stay current and fresh in the ever-changing market. Redesigns are vital for websites, apps or any product that interacts with any kind of users or stakeholders. If done correctly with a data-driven process and clearly defined , a redesigned product can increase conversions, get more sales and make your users happy.

任何面向用户的产品都必须在瞬息万变的市场中保持最新和最新。 重新设计对于网站,应用程序或与任何类型的用户或利益相关者进行交互的任何产品至关重要。 如果通过数据驱动的流程和明确定义的正确完成,重新设计的产品可以增加转化次数,获得更多销售并让用户满意。

But more often than not, redesigns feel pretty unwelcome with dip in conversions, angry users and negative app reviews. Be it small players like or bigwigs like Microsoft with and — it seems that no one is safe from a redesign failure.

但通常情况下,由于转换率下降,用户生气和负面的应用评论,重新设计感觉非常不受欢迎。 无论是像这样的小型公司,还是像Microsoft那样拥有和 ,似乎都没有人能够避免重新设计的失败。

为什么重新设计失败? (Why does a redesign fail?)

A redesign, be it visual or functional, is a change in how a user remembers your product. People don’t like changes. When you change how a user accesses the settings page on your app, you are asking them to break a habit. Users who were previously able to navigate to the settings page on your app without thinking about it twice are now fumbling to find it. This results in a microaggression. Your job as a designer is to minimize these microaggressions and motivate them to build new habits.

重新设计,无论是视觉上的还是功能上的,都是用户记住您产品的方式的改变。 人们不喜欢变化。 当您更改用户访问应用程序上的设置页面的方式时,您是在要求他们改掉习惯。 以前能够浏览您应用程序上的设置页面而又无需三思而后行的用户现在都在寻找它。 这导致微攻击。 作为设计师的工作是使这些微攻击最小化,并激发它们养成新的习惯。

Snapchat的导航重新设计 (Snapchat’s Navigation Redesign)

Let’s analyze how snapchat redesigned one of their core user stories — viewing stories from friends.


The older version of snapchat had set up the following structure for navigation: swipe left to view stories and swipe right to chat with friends. To view stories from your friends you had to swipe left from the main camera screen and then click on your friend’s story.

较早版本的Snapchat设置了以下导航结构:向左滑动即可查看故事,向右滑动即可与朋友聊天。 要查看朋友的故事,您必须从相机主屏幕向左滑动,然后单击朋友的故事。

Promoted stories from celebrities and media outlets were a part of the stories page. They appeared alongside your friends’ stories.

来自名人和媒体的推荐故事是故事页面的一部分。 它们出现在您朋友的故事旁边。

When Snapchat decided to redesign, friends’ stories were moved to the left and combined with chat. Promoted stories got their own page. This redesign saw Snapchat move away from its previous split between “chat” and “stories”. It focused on the division between friends and publishers making it easy for publishers to promote paid content while grouping everything from friends in one place.

当Snapchat决定重新设计时,朋友的故事被移至左侧并与聊天结合。 推广的故事都有自己的页面。 重新设计后,Snapchat摆脱了之前在“聊天”和“故事”之间的划分。 它着重于朋友和发布者之间的区分,这使发布者可以轻松地推广付费内容,同时将来自朋友的所有内容集中在一个地方。

The primary area to click for viewing the story was also shrunk in the redesign. Previously, users had a rectangle bar which they could click to view their friend’s story. After the redesign, it was shrunk down to a much smaller circle which was shoved all the way to the left to the screen.

重新设计后,点击观看故事的主要区域也缩小了。 以前,用户有一个矩形栏,他们可以单击以查看其朋友的故事。 重新设计后,它缩小到一个很小的圆圈,一直推到屏幕的左侧。

At least two rules-of-thumb were changed: the navigation structure and the area to tap to view a story. Needless to say, users didn’t like these changes very much. Within a week Snapchat’s average rating dropped from 3.1 stars to 2.4.

至少更改了两个经验法则:导航结构和点按即可观看故事的区域。 不用说,用户不太喜欢这些更改。 一周之内,Snapchat的平均评分从3.1星降至2.4。

I did a sentiment analysis of user reviews using We can clearly see the spike in negative reviews after the redesign was rolled out to users.

我使用对用户评论进行了情感分析 在向用户推出重新设计后,我们可以清楚地看到负面评论的激增。

Snapchat’s redesign was a disaster. It dropped its daily users by from 193 million. Ad views and revenue . Many publishers switched platforms and started calling Instagram their new home.

Snapchat的重新设计是一场灾难。 它的每日从1.93亿下降 ,下降了 。 广告观看次数和收入 。 许多发行商切换了平台,并开始将Instagram称为他们的新家。

6 months after the redesign rollout, Snapchat made amends and announced a reversal. Friend’s stories would be moved back to the right page alongside publisher stories. In a direct quote:

重新设计推出6个月后,Snapchat进行了修改,并宣布了逆转。 Friend的故事将与发布者的故事一起移回到正确的页面。 直接引用:

We learned that combining watching Stories and communicating with friends into the same place made it harder to optimize for both competing behaviors. We are currently rolling out an update to address this by moving Stories from friends to the right side of the application.- Evan Spiegel, CEO Snapchat

我们了解到,将观看故事和与朋友交流到同一地方相结合,使得针对两种竞争行为的优化变得更加困难。 我们目前正在发布更新,以通过将故事从好友移动到应用程序的右侧来解决此问题。 -Snapchat首席执行官Evan Spiegel

Windows 8开始菜单重新设计 (Windows 8 Start Menu Redesign)

Now let’s look at how Microsoft redesigned their start menu in Windows 8. Let’s try to open the control panel in Windows 7 and 8.

现在,让我们看一下Microsoft如何在Windows 8中重新设计其开始菜单。让我们尝试在Windows 7和8中打开控制面板。

To open control panel in Windows 7, you need to click on the Start button to list all the applications. And then you click on the control panel.

要在Windows 7中打开控制面板,您需要单击“开始”按钮以列出所有应用程序。 然后单击控制面板上的。

In Windows 8, you already start at the Start menu. A good head start, right? Wrong. There is no control panel to be found in the apps listed. Nor is any option to list all programs.

在Windows 8中,您已经从“开始”菜单开始。 一个好的开始,对吧? 错误。 在列出的应用中找不到控制面板。 也没有列出所有程序的选项。

To get to the panel, you need to open the Charms menu. The menu can be opened by hovering your mouse on the top-right or the bottom-right portion of the screen. After you have managed to open the Charms menu, you click on Settings and then on Control panel.

要进入面板,您需要打开超级按钮菜单。 可以通过将鼠标悬停在屏幕的右上角或右下角部分来打开菜单。 设法打开超级按钮菜单后,单击设置,然后单击控制面板。

This gesture-based process to access panels was completely alien to users when Windows 8 launched. Windows didn’t provide any onboarding to help users discover the charms menu. Even after users discovered the charms menu by googling or from their friends, they were still not comfortable with it. Gestures and hovering both were new concepts to the OS.

Windows 8启动时,这种基于手势的面板访问过程完全与用户无关。 Windows没有提供任何入门功能来帮助用户发现超级按钮菜单。 即使用户通过谷歌搜索或从朋友那里发现超级按钮菜单,他们仍然不满意。 手势和悬停都是OS的新概念。

所有重新设计都不好吗? (Are all redesigns bad?)

Redesigns are changes and people don’t like changes. It’s easy to think from the above examples that putting time in a redesign to change how a product works might not be a good investment for your product. But products that don’t evolve and keep the same design to ‘play it safe’ are inevitably phased out by faster moving competitors.

重新设计就是变更,人们不喜欢变更。 从以上示例很容易想到,花时间进行重新设计以更改产品的工作方式可能不是对您的产品的良好投资。 但是,发展速度较快的竞争对手不可避免地淘汰了那些不会进化并保持相同设计以“确保安全”的产品。

Lightweight and progressive changes that users are able to pick up easily makes a redesign bearable. Sometimes that might translate to skipping flashy animations, gestures or navigation structures to using simpler alternatives that the user is already comfortable with.

用户可以轻松进行的轻量级渐进式更改使重新设计变得可以接受。 有时,这可能会导致跳过浮华的动画,手势或导航结构,而使用用户已经习惯的更简单的替代方法。

Facebook的导航重新设计 (Facebook’s Navigation Redesign)

In 2012, Facebook was gearing up for a major redesign on how people navigated its mobile app. Up until now the way to navigate to your friend requests, messages and notifications was through the iconic blue action bar on the top. This action bar was meant to emulate how users navigated on the website. It was made to look and feel like what the website header looked like.

2012年,Facebook正着手进行重大重新设计,以重新设计人们如何浏览其移动应用程序。 到目前为止,导航到您的朋友请求,消息和通知的方法是通过顶部的标志性蓝色操作栏。 该操作栏旨在模拟用户如何浏览网站。 它的外观和感觉类似于网站标题。

Both the Android and the iOS implemented navigation in similar fashion with identical action bars.


But the mobile user base was catching up and mobile-first users were about to shadow desktop-first users. Mobile only social networks like Instagram, Snapchat and Vine (rip) were gaining popularity. It was pretty evident that people were going to be spending more time on their phones than on their computers in the coming future.

但是移动用户群正在赶上,移动优先用户将要掩盖桌面优先用户。 Instagram,Snapchat和Vine(rip)等仅限移动的社交网络越来越受欢迎。 很明显,在未来的将来,人们在手机上花费的时间将比在计算机上花费的时间更多。

So when Facebook decided to simplify their navigation structure for mobile, they decided to ditch consistency and treat Android and iOS as two different products. Facebook introduced two different navigation structures for respective apps. The Android app got the slidable tab bar that stuck to the top while iOS got the static tab bar that stuck to the bottom.

因此,当Facebook决定简化其移动导航结构时,他们决定放弃一致性并将Android和iOS视为两种不同的产品。 Facebook针对各自的应用程序引入了两种不同的导航结构。 Android应用程序的可滑动选项卡栏固定在顶部,而iOS应用程序的静态选项卡栏固定在底部。

These changes were new to the app but not to the users. While the redesign did require users to break their habit of heading to the blue action bar to navigate, users were already familiar with their platform specific tab bars. Slidable tab bars had been in the Android ecosystem for a couple of years. It didn’t take a lot of time for users to switch from the action bar to the tab bar. Similarly, the iOS tab bar had been present since the platform’s inception, and didn’t feel alien to their users.

这些更改是应用程序的新功能,但不是用户的功能。 重新设计确实要求用户摆脱习惯去访问蓝色操作栏进行导航的习惯,但用户已经熟悉其特定于平台的选项卡栏。 滑动式标签栏在Android生态系统中已经存在了两年。 用户从操作栏切换到标签栏并不需要花费很多时间。 同样,iOS标签栏自平台创建以来就一直存在,并且对他们的用户并不陌生。

Facebook’s separation of tabs in Android and iOS played out really well for them. They became an industry standard shortly after and most mobile platforms with Android and iOS apps implement navigation similarly to this day.

Facebook在Android和iOS中将标签分开的做法对他们来说非常好。 在不久之后,它们已成为行业标准,并且大多数带有Android和iOS应用程序的移动平台都与今天类似地实施导航。

学问 (Learnings)

最有效的重新设计通常不是最漂亮的 (The most effective redesigns are usually not the prettiest)

Redesign is not a process of beautifying things. The visual aspect is a part of the redesign but it’s not the redesign. If you are redesigning your product just for the sake of better-looking visuals, drawing inspiration from retina-ready mockups from Dribbble, and implementing design trends without any research to back it, your redesign is bound to fail.

重新设计不是美化事物的过程。 视觉方面是重新设计的一部分,但它不是重新设计。 如果您只是为了获得更好的视觉效果而重新设计产品,从Dribbble的视网膜就绪模型中汲取灵感,并且在没有任何研究支持的情况下实现设计趋势,那么重新设计肯定会失败。

Sometimes the problem might be that your outdated design language is diluting your brand’s value. Your customers are moving to a competitor with a better-looking design system. And it’s perfectly fine to redesign your design system to look better. But blindly following design trends without any strategy or research to back it up will lead to unfavorable results.

有时问题可能出在您过时的设计语言在稀释您品牌的价值。 您的客户正在向外观更好的设计系统的竞争对手转移。 重新设计您的设计系统以使其外观更好是完全可以的。 但是,盲目地遵循设计趋势而没有任何策略或研究来支持它会导致不利的结果。

Redesigns are meant to solve problems with specific business constraints and requirements.


This Google redesign concept from Dribbble uses bold colors and heavy shadows to draw your attention. While it does look fly, this redesign has some major flaws and would not ever see the light of the day at Google. First off, Google’s iconic colorful branding that the brand has stuck to since the last 20 years is missing. Secondly, all Google websites have the profile avatar to the right while here it is on the left. I could go on but hopefully, you get the gist of what I’m trying to convey.

这个来自Dribbble的Google重新设计概念使用醒目的颜色和浓重的阴影来吸引您的注意力。 尽管看起来确实不错,但这种重新设计存在一些重大缺陷,而且谷歌从未看到过这种情况。 首先,该品牌自最近20年来一直坚持使用的标志性多彩品牌已经丢失。 其次,所有Google网站的配置文件头像都在右侧,而此处在左侧。 我可以继续,但希望您能理解我要传达的要点。

重新设计是一个过程,而不是目标 (Redesign is a process, not a destination)

Product design is a cyclic process of prototyping, testing, analyzing, and refining a product or process. A redesign doesn’t mean that the product is completed. It just means that it’s “completed enough” to satisfy any current requirements. No product or user interface is ever “finished”.

产品设计是对产品或过程进行原型设计,测试,分析和改进的循环过程。 重新设计并不意味着产品已经完成。 这只是意味着它已经“足够完成”,可以满足当前的任何需求。 任何产品或用户界面都不会“完成”。

专注于微转换 (Focus on micro conversions)

It is important to read between the lines to help you paint a better picture of your users and their activities. Typically, when we talk about conversions in the tech vertical, we focus on the number of app installs, users signed up or sales generated.

在各行之间阅读很重要,以帮助您更好地了解用户及其活动。 通常,当我们谈论技术领域的转化时,我们关注的是应用安装数量,用户注册或产生的销售。

Micro conversions are often forgotten and sometimes not tracked. Micro conversions are the low-hanging fruits, precisely, actions that lead users to the end goal, that is, macro conversions. Examples of micro conversions could be number of users using the search feature, number of users updating their profile pictures or number of users confirming their phone number. Micro conversion acts as a process milestone in the conversion funnel and impacts the ultimate step, or macro conversion.

微转换通常被遗忘,有时无法跟踪。 确切地说,微转换是低挂的成果,它是将用户引导到最终目标的操作,即宏转换。 微转换的示例可以是使用搜索功能的用户数量,更新其个人资料图片的用户数量或确认其电话号码的用户数量。 微转换是转换渠道中的过程里程碑,并影响最终步骤或宏转换。

How are these micro conversions doing? Do you see a dip in a particular micro conversion metric? Are users not able to add their buddies because the new search bar is hard to find? Did your call-to-action to sign up for the free trial got buried behind a new layout and users are not able to find it anymore? Defining precise micro conversion goals and tracking them will help you assess points of friction in your redesigned platform’s user journey.

这些微转换的效果如何? 您看到某个特定的微转化指标有所下降吗? 用户是否由于很难找到新的搜索栏而无法添加好友? 您申请免费试用的号召性用语是否被隐藏在新的布局中,而用户又找不到了? 定义精确的微转换目标并对其进行跟踪将有助于您评估重新设计的平台的用户使用过程中的摩擦点。

结论 (Conclusion)

Thanks for reading! This analysis was part of my internship application which I didn’t end up applying to. Hopefully, this post helped you better understand some redesigns and what we could learn from them. Feel free to provide any feedback or ask any questions that you have in the comments below.

谢谢阅读! 该分析是我最终没有申请的实习申请的一部分。 希望这篇文章可以帮助您更好地了解一些重新设计以及我们可以从中学到的知识。 欢迎在下面的评论中提供任何反馈或提出任何问题。




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